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This is a record of the updates and revisions to this site since its
creation. Important events are marked in red.
- February 4, 2000 4:51PM PST
Well... at least the DNS is stable. It's been up steadily for
several weeks. I haven't had much time to work on this site
because I've been either busy with school work or too lazy to
get on here and work on it. I have a few good ideas for a few
of the sections, but there's much work to do.... and less time
to do it. :-|
- December 18, 2000 10:43AM PST
It's up for me! ...let's hope it stays that way. Sure enough,
there were some broken images on the main characters page, but
I fixed it.
- December 17, 2000 5:08PM PST
I uploaded all the character pages, so the images can now be
viewed by character. Plus, there are many character sketches
that are now accessible. The DNS is haywire in my area again
*grumbles*, so you could probably say that I'm working blind
again. If there are any errors, I'm hoping that readers
will point them out. I'm just tired of waiting for it. It's
taken almost two months for the subdomain to
register and counting... :-(
- December 8, 2000 6:45PM PST
I fixed up the Story Drawings
- December 5, 2000 10:19PM PST
I fixed the images in the characters section after a naming
error. I still haven't uploaded the individual character pages.
This is actually a very minor project, but I probably can't get
around to it until this weekend.... :-/
- December 3, 2000 12:01PM PST
I've indexed about 489 images and put them in their respective
sections. That's about 10MB of them. They're faily low quality,
however, and I will try to get some better ones.
- December 1, 2000 11:25PM PST
Well, I'd thought I'd take time to give an update on the
current situation. The DNS was working on the 28th, but
it didn't the next morning, which is strange to say the least.
I have some prototype pages for the image indexes, but I don't
want to upload until I'm sure that they format correctly. That
will be as soon as the subdomain starts working for me.
- November 28, 2000 10:30PM PST
I put up the main page to the Characters section, but I've yet to
upload the images.
- November 28, 2000 10:15PM PST
I altered the page layout so that it isn't only limited to only
640 pixels in width. It now covers the screen. I also dropped
the title images for CSS-styled titles. The DNS changes for the
subdomain finally reached me out here in the woods, so I'm no
longer working blind. Image uploads are soon to follow.
- November 27, 2000 9:23AM PST
I uploaded all of the pages so there are no longer any broken
links. I've set up the contact, links, and copyright sections.
I also fixed up the welcome page. All of the sections now have
their SSI flags, so the site has conformed from any previous
- November 26, 2000 12:07PM PST
Well, I added the revision log... now you can keep track of
this site's progress, although it most likely won't become very
popular until I finish some more content and submit the site
to some search engines.